My sister told me about this seat booster for small kids. She keeps one of these handy for her ride share cars.
This is a foldable, packable device to safely secure kids into the 3 point seat belts commonly found in most cars. Small children are not safe in regular 3 point seat belts because the lap belt crosses them at their belly instead of their hips and the shoulder belt cuts across the child too close to their head. With these loose connections, a child can slide out of the belts in a car accident or sudden braking. The kid can also get abdominal injuries from the sudden thrust of the belly against the lap belt. This is called "seat belt syndrome."
This is a foldable, packable device to safely secure kids into the 3 point seat belts commonly found in most cars. Small children are not safe in regular 3 point seat belts because the lap belt crosses them at their belly instead of their hips and the shoulder belt cuts across the child too close to their head. With these loose connections, a child can slide out of the belts in a car accident or sudden braking. The kid can also get abdominal injuries from the sudden thrust of the belly against the lap belt. This is called "seat belt syndrome."
The mifold seat has clips on either side of the seat to modify the lap belt
so it crosses the child at their hips and upper legs.
so it crosses the child at their hips and upper legs.
It has another belt that goes behind the kid and clips onto the shoulder belt lowering the point
where it crosses the kid, so the belt rests between the shoulder and neck.
where it crosses the kid, so the belt rests between the shoulder and neck.
Most booster car seats have a thick base. This raises the child so the shoulder belt crosses them at their shoulder and neck. This shoulder clip means the child doesn't have to sit on a thick seat.
For the safest ride, you should secure a kid in National Traffic Safety Board (NTSB) approved seat of the highest quality you can afford that is the appropriate size for your kid. There are better options for securing your child than this. The trade off is that this device is small and can be carried in a backpack or suitcase. It's also narrow, so you can more easily seat up to 3 kids securely in the back seat of a car.
I think this is a great option for babysitters, family and friends who do not normally transport kids, but need a safe option. This is also a great way to bring safety with you if you are travelling away from home and will need to ride in taxis, shuttle busses or rideshare.
I do not own one of these, but I am considering buying one to keep in my car.
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